Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Ethics And Social Welfare - 1541 Words

Case and Dilemma Following material from Harrison (2007), this critique focuses on implications for ethics and social welfare with particular focus on a male, Tom who has been attending sessions with his social worker after being referred for assistance. Issues range from being profoundly deaf, severe facial disfigurement, epilepsy, severe alcohol dependence and limited communication skills. Tom’s issues were manageable until he reverted to drinking with old friends. Following numerous complaints received by the housing department Tom was arrested by police for drunk and disorderly behaviour. This presents an ethical dilemma for the social worker in regards to accessing a plan of action to help address Tom’s future well-being instead of Jail. Analysis and Evaluation Currently Tom cannot live with his mother or sister due to his alcohol problem. He has no current address of his own, spending most of his time moving around from one friend to another until he is no longer welcome. Deciding on what outcome would benefit her client and his wellbeing presents a difficult pathway for the social worker. Even though Tom had presented with a range of issues the social worker made an action plan with Tom’s probation officer and was able to place him into his own flat just outside of town, which still offered some distant support from his mother. Moving into his new place Tom managed to settle in well for a few months and attend a day centre twice a week as prearranged. This wasShow MoreRelatedThe Ethics And Social Welfare1568 Words   |  7 Pagesmost decisions are restricted and invokes internal conflict as dilemmas highlight the differences and those conflicts when deciding on a course of action. The current literature contains a critique of an article selected from the eJournal Ethics and Social Welfare. It focuses on a dilemma encountered in a practice situation involving an inexperienced practitioner (a youth worker) met by two young women. Both women were 14 years of age, one of whom (Danielle) required emergency contraception withinRead MoreThe Ethics And Social Welfare1780 Words   |  8 Pagesmost decisions are restricted and invokes internal conflict as dilemmas highlight the differences and those conflicts when deciding on a course of action. The current literature contains a critique of an article selected from the eJournal Ethics and Social Welfare. It focuses on a dilemma encountered in a practice situation involving an inexperienced practitioner (a youth worker) met by two young women. Both women were 14 years of age, one of whom (Danielle) required emergency contraception withinRead MoreThe Code Of Ethics And Social Welfare Essay1145 Words   |  5 PagesEthical standard 6.01 in NASW’s Code of Ethics pertains to social welfare. (National Association of Social Workers, 2016) clearly states that social workers should endorse the universal wellbeing of humanity, from local to global levels, and the growth of citizens, their neighborhoods, and their surroundings. From a political perspective (National Association of Social Workers, 2016) ascertains that social workers should campaign for a standard of living that meets basic human needs for individualsRead MoreSocial Welfare : The Protestant Work Ethic And The S pirit Of Capitalism995 Words   |  4 Pages In this essay I will analyse the issue of social welfare, referencing Weber’s Protestant Work Ethic and Foucault’s analysis of power structures and the welfare state. The support systems in place to ensure that the poorest and most vulnerable members of society are able to survive have been the subject of increasing scrutinisation and hostility as we have entered the 21st Century. 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